Bridge Abutment Murals
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Great Falls Artist Rachel Kaiser (@rachelkaiserart) created four distinct murals below the walking bridge near First Avenue North and River Drive. Each depicts in strong colors and imagery of the nature that is all around us. "Heron" is closest to the bridge; while "Big Fish", "Pelican" and "Clouds" are nearer the roadway. After you view these murals you can walk back to your car at the City parking lot off of River Road near the Electric City Swim Park. Be sure to use the crosswalks; this is a busy intersection.
"Thick Full Form with Bold Bright Color." Artist Statement,
“I have lived on the shores of Lake Michigan; the mountains and high plains of Montana; the beaches of Hawaii; the colorful island of Bali-Indonesia; along the Mississippi River in the Driftless Region in La Crosse Wisconsin; and now in the Mohave Desert of Arizona. These areas have been imperative muses to my art, as I have spent my life making art based on the unsung champions of this world: plants, animals, children, mothers, and the land, sea, and sky. Along with my drive to bring art to the public where all can enjoy it, I also raised a budding young artist who is studying illustration in Portland, Oregon. Being a solo parent to a talented young daughter enabled us both to make even more art, as we both encouraged each other’s creativity, craftsmanship, and work ethic. I am looking forward to the art I will create in the next decade in my new home in the desert.” Rachel Kaiser


Big Fish

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
The Great Blue Heron is the largest heron in North America, with wings long and rounded, bill long and tapered, tail short. Upper parts are gray, fore-neck is streaked with white, black, and rust-brown. Bill yellowish. Legs brownish or greenish. In flight, folds neck in an "S" shape and extends legs along the body axis; wing beats are deep slow wing.
The American White Pelican is a large, white bird with black primaries and outer secondaries, an enormous bill with distensible pouch, and webbed feet. It is often seen in flocks, and when in flight it flies with the head withdrawn. In the early breeding season the bill and legs are bright orange, the head has white plumes, and there is a laterally fattened horn on the upper mandible. Later the leg color fades, the head darkens, and the plumes and horn are lost.
The rainbow trout is Montana's number one game fish. Rainbow trout fare well under a wide range of habitat conditions from ponds to reservoirs, lakes, and streams. Various strains of rainbow trout, like breeds of cattle, are used for different purposes. The state record for rainbow trout is over 33 pounds, and fish of up to 10 pounds are common in some of our most productive waters. Rainbow are efficient at feeding on plankton, aquatic and terrestrial insects, and occasionally some smaller fishes. They spawn in early spring in running water, usually April or May, and maintain themselves quite nicely if the habitat is not degraded.
Wescover Rachel Kaiser Art
Rachel Kaiser
Rachel Kaiser
Rachel Kaiser