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Cameron Moberg created this mural of Montana's state bird, "Meadowlark, as part of NeighborWorks Great Falls Project Reinvest in 2018. The mural was catalyst for more than two dozen murals he either painted or helped curate in the ensuing years.

Backstory and Context
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The Western Meadowlark is the size of a robin but chunkier and shorter tailed, with a fat head, long, slender bill, and a round-shouldered posture that nearly conceals its neck. The wings are rounded and short for the bird’s size and the tail is short, stiff, and spiky. Western Meadowlarks have yellow underparts with intricately patterned brown, black and buff upperparts. A black “V” crosses the bright yellow breast; it is gray in winter. Contrasting stripes of dark brown and light buff mark the head. The outer tail feathers flash white in fight.
The Cornell Lab All About Birds
Cameron Moberg, Artist, 2018