Hotel Brotherhood USA and the Bainbridge Club
Text-to-speech Audio
Hotel Brotherhood USA Historical Marker by Cosmos Mariner on (reproduced under Fair Use)
![Metal sign with gold lettering, reading "Founded in 1883, this benevolent society of colored hotel workers was one of the largest and most influential early trade organizations in the hotel industry. It promoted labor equality, worker respect, and economic empowerment. Headquartered here since 1906."](
Hotel Brotherhood insignia on building, by Cosmos Mariner on (reproduced under Fair Use)
![HB insignia/medallion on side of building.](
Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Black hotel workers in Philadelphia founded this benevolent organization around 1883 to provide health care for workers in their industry. The group grew out of an effort of a few workers on the 200 block of Juniper Street who gathered to raise money for medical expenses for a coworker.
It was one of the first trade organizations in the hotel industry, and become one of the largest. Additionally, it was one of the earliest trade organizations representing Black hotel workers and addressing pay inequality and other forms of discrimination, the organization has long ties to civil rights activism and has hosted keynote addresses from prominent leaders such as the late Julian Bond. The organization operated as a benevolent and mutual aid society, and chapters of the group were founded in other US cities. The organization has resided at this location since 1906.
As the organization's focus expanded to include other trades, it adopted the name Bainbridge Club in the 1980s. In 2016, the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office placed a historic marker in front of the building to commemorate the organization.
Bainbridge Club. The History of the Hotel Brotherhood, Accessed April 2nd 2021.
Galle, Karen. New Historical Markers Approved, Pennsylvania Historic Preservation: Blog of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office. March 23rd 2016. Accessed April 2nd 2021.
Mariner, Cosmos. Hotel Brotherhood USA, Historical Marker Database. June 30th 2019. Accessed April 2nd 2021.