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Delaware County Heritage Trail
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Established in 1895, Delaware County Historical Society collects and preserves historical documents, objects, data, genealogy, and artifacts relative to the history of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Located in the old Delaware County National Bank building (later Southeast National Bank) the three-story building houses DCHS's extensive research library, archives, artifacts, education center, and exhibit hall. The footprint of the original bank is still visible with the preservation of old teller windows, bank vaults, and marble staircases. The building is also immediately adjacent to the 1724 Courthouse.

Delaware County Historical Society

Delaware County Historical Society

In addition to exhibits drawn from their collection, researchers and genealogists may use the library and research center.

In addition to exhibits drawn from their collection, researchers and genealogists may use the library and research center.
Highlights of the exhibit hall, which is open to the public, include the furniture room and an extensive historic map collection. The organization also sponsors lectures and other events that are free to the public. Genealogists and researchers can also utilize DCHS's library which includes thousands of local photographs, yearbook collections, Delaware County Times newspaper clippings files, and many rare and unusual documents and books.  

The exhibit hall features a variety of artifacts on displays relative to local history and the collections held by the Delaware County Historical Society. The exhibit hall is also home to DCHS's exhibit and program Passport to History, the organizations signature educational exhibit which includes programs for students in grades 4 and 5 that educate youth about local history and encourage visitation to area historical sites. 
"About Us," Delaware County Historical Society website. Accessed December 19, 2018.