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Lasell University- A Walk Through History at One of America's First Female Seminary Schools
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The home of many spooky rumors, Gardner House, has a unique history regarding Lasell’s campus. Gardner House was named after one of the most famous graduates in Lasell’s history, Elizabeth Gardner, class of 1856. In the 1840s, Abijah S. Johnson acquired Gardner House as part of Lasell; however, it was not known as Gardner House until years later. During the end of World War I, Gardner House was used as an infirmary to house sick patients with the Spanish influenza. Miss Nellie Wright spent generations being a housemother to the various classes that passed through Lasell and had the pleasure of staying in Gardner House. This meant looking after the girls and chaperoning them, keeping them on their studies and on top of their religious responsibilities, but also similar to a mother, being there for the girls. Today, Gardner House is known for its original woodworking, piano in the lobby, and gorgeous stained glass windows that shine on all three floors.

Gardner House

Building, Property, Tree, House

Gardner House

Building, Window, Plant, House