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Jackson County, AR, My Home, Our History

Created by Lezlie Johnson on May 2nd 2023, 7:29:23 pm.

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Jackson County, AR is in northeastern part of Arkansas consisting of flat bottomlands and dense forest before the 19th century with local Native American tribes such as the Creeks, Cherokees, Osages, Quapaw, Chickasaws, and Choctaws living, hunting, and cultivating the land. After Americans began moving into the area and treaties were signed between the American government and local native tribes Jackson County would be very first communities created in Arkansas. Getting its name from the seventh President of the United States Andrew Jackson, the county had existed long before Arkansas became a state in 1836, and had a multitude of communities from the early 1800s that no longer exist in the twenty-first century, but there are those towns that are existing but are no longer the thriving communities that they once was.
