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Carbondale Historic Architecture Walking Tour 1A
Item 4 of 15
This is a contributing entry for Carbondale Historic Architecture Walking Tour 1A and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.
689 Main Street was originally part of a large parcel of land that extended across Colorado Avenue. Samuel Dillon Weant, SD, "Del" and his brother Romus, R.E. owned the property. In 1900 Samuel married Laura Barnhart of Denver. He then conveyed several sections of the large parcel to the town for streets, which extended the townsite grid. He was an owner of Carbondale Creamery in 1907, and also a cattle dealer. Del Weant was Carbondale's Mayor from 1909 to 1910. Carbondale invited anyone to run who wanted a chance to be mayor. Mayors were elected frequently, and most local businessmen in town served at least one term. This home was built in 1913. When SD died in 1919, the house was conveyed to David James, who was eventually unable to pay the note, and was foreclosed upon in 1932. A number of owners followed, and then in 1988 The Cony Co. bought the property, and nine years later it was purchased and transferred to Shadow Holdings, thus it has operated in a commercial capacity for quite some time. This home is classified as Late 19th & Early 20th Century Revival, and is the only home of this style in Carbondale. The main two-story section is rectangular with two equally spaced double-hung windows with marble sills. There is a circular brick element between windows.

Sky, Building, Fixture, Tree

Late 19th & Early 20th Century Revival

Town of Carbondale 2005 Architectural Survey (Reid Architects, Inc.)

Carbondale Historical Society