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Carbondale, Colorado Historic Commercial Core Walking Tour
Item 1 of 17

Ottowa Tanney was the original owner of most of the property that is now occupied by the Town of Carbondale; she was also reported to be the first white woman to arrive in the Carbondale area. Mrs. Tanney purportedly ran the Stage Station out of this building, serving meals to travelers along the stage line to Aspen. However, for this building to have been part of the ranch and serve the stage line, it would have had to have been constructed prior to 1883. If, in fact, this location served as the stage station, it was also the site of the original Satank Post Office. Ottowa Tanney sold a large portion of the ranch property to John Calnan for the purpose of establishing a townsite in early 1887, but it appears that Mr. Calnan sold lot 13 to Charles Reese and Esther K. Mitchell months before the Carbondale Town and Land Company was established in September 1887.

View north towards 199 Main Street

Property, Building, Plant, Window

The property is presently comprised of four lots, of which the house is located on the south end (lot 13). In 1887 each of the four lots had different owners: Charles Reese & Esther K. Mitchell sold lot 13 to Mary Francis in July of 1887, lot 14 was sold by Calnan to T. C. Monaghan in January of 1887 (Monaghan sold it to James R. Campbell in June of that year) and in 1892 Campbell acquired lot 15 from Calnan (Campbell sold both lots to the Dinkel Mercantile Company in 1905). The 1912 Sanborn map shows this house on lot 13, vacant land on lot 14 and 15, a lumber shed on lot 16, and a large mill building indicated as the Dinkel Mercantile Company on the adjacent lots to the east. Lot 13 passed through Mary Francis’ estate to Henry E. Van Syckle and then to Frances Van Syckle, after which she sells it to Sophia Patborsek in 1936 who also acquires lots 14, 15 and 16 from William Dinkel.

Town of Carbondale Downtown Survey Project, 2006, Reid Architects, Inc., Manuscript on file, History Colorado, Denver, Colorado.

Carbondale Historical Society

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Town of Carbondale