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DHSS Herman Holloway Campus - Walking History Tour
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This is a contributing entry for DHSS Herman Holloway Campus - Walking History Tour and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

Originating as the medical library for the Delaware State Hospital in 1926, the DHSS Library's research materials date back to these early years. The library was integral to the State hospital providing scholarly journals and books to aid in the learning efforts of the medical professionals staffed at the hospital.

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The DHSS Library desktop icon is available on every DHSS computer for every employee to access the library's website.

DHSS Library desktop icon

Inside the DHSS Library are thousands of books, historical journals, and much more.

Inside the DHSS Library by their bookcases and their study tables.

Formerly located in the Main Administration Building until the 1980s, it moved to the Springer Building in October 1990, becoming the Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health (DSAMH) Medical Library. However, over time it became clear that DHSS as a whole could benefit from access to the library’s resources. So, in 2016, the library underwent restructuring to become the DHSS Library, opening its resources to all DHSS employees as well as the public through a partnership with Delaware Libraries.

The DHSS Library offers robust research databases, exceptional programming, curated book collections, and the state's only graphic medicine collection. This collection includes graphic novels, memoirs, and illustrated texts related to healthcare, wellness, and social issues. With a desktop shortcut on every DHSS computer, access to the library's resources is easily available, no matter your physical location.

DHSS employees can also sign up for a Delaware library card at the DHSS Library. These library cards may be used to check out DHSS Library books as well as books, DVDs, audiobooks, and more at any public library in the entire state. Materials can also be sent to and from other libraries to the DHSS Library for free. Ask a librarian for more information if you are interested in this service or in obtaining a library card.

Let's pause here until we reach the Carvel Building. Exit the Springer Building and make your way up the small hill toward Mitchell Lane. Make a left onto Mitchell Lane until you reach the Carvel Building.