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Pioneer Monuments on Interstate 35 Travel Corridor
Item 42 of 56
Sculpture by Veryl Goodnight depicts a woman in calico dress standing in front of wagon wheel. Emphasizes frontier women's persistence. Accompanied by the text of a poem by the same title written by the sculptor. The final lines of the poem about young women on the trails westard declare, "There was absolutely/No Turning Back."

No Turning Back

No Turning Back

No Turning Back reverse

No Turning Back reverse

No Turning Back poem by artist

No Turning Back poem by artist

Goodnight, Veryl. No Turning Back: The Art of Veryl Goodnight.Goodnight Fine Art , Ltd., 2011.

Prescott, Cynthia Culver. Pioneer Mother Monuments: Constructing Cultural Memory. University of Oklahoma Press, 2019.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Cynthia Prescott

Cynthia Prescott

Cynthia Prescott