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Historic Hotels and Theaters of Downtown Kansas City, Missouri Walking Tour
Item 4 of 16

The Gayety Theater operated at this location, the SE Corner of 12th and Wyandotte, from 1909 to 1935. The theater was constructed at the site of meatpacker A.W. Amour's former mansion and showed movies and also hosted musical performances and the occasional burlesque performance. Many of the leading jazz musicians performed here during the 1930s. The College Inn nightclub operated in the budling in the 1940s and the building was demolished around 1950 when the Muehlbach Hotel (now part of the Marriott) expanded.

Gayety Theater facing 12th Street

Building, Sky, Cloud, Facade

Building, Photograph, Sky, Black

Postcard of the Gayety Theater that once stood on the southeast corner of 12th and Wyandotte streets.

Building, Rectangle, Facade, Font

Building, Cloud, Sky, Rectangle

The theater included burlesque entertainment, as demonstrated by these dancers performing as Hurtig & Seamon's Social Maids circa 1912

Font, Art, Poster, Eyelash

When completed, the building included space for numerous offices and stores in addition to a seating capacity of 1,600, including 570 on the orchestra floor and the rest in the balcony, gallery, and boxes.

Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection (SC58), Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri.

Bushnell , Michael . Gayety Theater once took center stage, Northeast News . July 29th, 2015. Accessed March 27th, 2023.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection (SC58), Kansas City Public Library

Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection