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Untold Narratives: Discrimination, Self-Determination, and Change at the University of Richmond

Created by Nicole Maurantonio on December 10th 2018, 3:02:09 pm.

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Created in Fall 2018 by the students in “Digital Memory & the Archive,” Dr. Nicole Maurantonio’s American Studies and Rhetoric & Communication Studies seminar, this tour shares research conducted by students within our class and who have been working for the past several years on the University’s Race & Racism Project. While we believe it is important to share completed research, we also seek to provide a sense of the work that still needs to be done. The stories you will encounter on this tour attempt to complicate a neat, linear path of the University of Richmond’s progress. They are stories of discrimination, self-determination, and change. You will likely hear some familiar names. Others will be less familiar. We look forward to receiving your feedback.
