Missouri Pacific Railroad Station
Text-to-speech Audio
Truman and Reporters in front of the Independence Station- 97-26 (Truman Library)

Picture of the Truman Station, also known as the Missouri Pacific Railroad Station in Independence.

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
The station is a one-story, rectangle building made of limestone and red brick. It is a similar structure to other train stations built in the Midwest during the early twentieth century. Since its construction, the structure has changed very little, except for the roof.
The building was used often as it was located at the conjunction of the Missouri Pacific and “Lexington Branch” lines. Many individuals used the train to travel throughout the United States, including Mr. Harry S. Truman. He used the railways to travel back and forth between Washington D.C. However, President Truman used the railway and the Independence station often during his “Whistle Stop” Campaign. The Independence location was the last stop on his campaign where thousands of people were waiting for him to arrive and speak. After his campaign, when he won the presidency, he got back on the train at the Missouri Pacific Railroad Station in Independence and left for Washington D.C.
Franklin-Weekley, Rachel (Evans Hatch & Associates). "Harry S. Truman Historic District." National Park Service - National Historic Landmark Nomination Form, p. 216. https://dnr.mo.gov/shpo/nps-nr/71001066.pdf.
National Register of Historic Places, Missouri Pacific Depot at Independence, Independence, Jackson, Missouri, National Register #79001365.Photograph found at- http://www.greatamericanstations.com/stations/independence-mo-idp/