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The Illinois School for the Visually Impaired (ISVI) was established in 1849. A school for students who are blind or visually impaired. Located in Jacksonville, ISVI provides accredited educational and related services for children from birth to twenty-two years of age. Also, it is assisting them in becoming personally productive and self-sufficient citizens.

  The ISVI is important to the Jacksonville area because it provides a quality comprehensive education and serve as a statewide resource to students in Illinois with visual impairments, assisting them in becoming personally productive and self-sufficient citizens.

In order to discuss this building we must look back upon History and Jacksonville developed a learning center for visually impaired: June 5, 1848: A private School was opened on North Main Street near the railroad in Jacksonville Illinois with four students in attendance. January 10, 1849: The school was supported by a tax of 1/10 mill upon every dollars worth of taxable property. 1867: Up until this year students from other states were allowed to attend upon paying $100.00 tuition. April 20, 1869: The School burned to the ground with no lives lost. Later in 1869: They lost suit to keep all of its property, to the Jacksonville and Carrollton Railroad. Due to the fact that there railroad ran through a large portion of the school grounds. 1870: School rebuilt The building was entirely 3 stories high: The course of study was divided into Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. 1905: The name of the school  was changed to "Illinois School for the Blind". 1915: Helen Keller visited the Illinois School for the Blind. January 1, 1954: The name of school changed to Illinois Braille and Sight Saving School. School Year 1976-77: The school’s name changed again to"Illinois School for the Visually Impaired." which is the current name today. In the following years the school made some maintenance changes and destroyed living spaces in order to make room for educational buildings.

ISVI provides educational and related services for children from, birth to twenty-two years of age. They provide a preschool, elementary and high school. ISVI offers a living program that teaches students how to live independently. Students learn money management, meal planning and preparation, housekeeping, decision making, and accessing community resources.  Class size is normally limited to a student-faculty ratio of 7 to 1. Students may participate in mainstreamed education classes at local public schools.  ISVI offers a broad array of social and recreational activities to all students through the residential living programs during evenings and weekends.  Some extra activities include track, cheer leading, swimming, wrestling, goal ball, choir and forensics.  Employment opportunities are available for students in both on and off-campus settings.  Educational services are provided at no cost to parents. Today nationwide this is one of the most prestige's visually impaired schools for your loved ones to attend.

Illinois School for The Visually Impaired. Oct 10, 2016.

"Jacksonville (Illinois School for the Visually Impaired)." IHSA. N.p., 12 Oct. 2016. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.

Spencer, David. "A Dream 160 Years Strong: The Illinois School for the Visually Impaired." The State Journal. N.p., 15 Jan. 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.

Jacksonville Area Convention Visitors Bureau. N.p., 21 Aug. 2015. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.