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Four Mile Historic Park is home to the oldest standing structure in Denver, the Four Mile House. This 12-acre site features a look back into Denver's agricultural history. Visitors are welcome to visit the grounds, peek into the historically accurate buildings, and say hello to the various farm animals. (Due to COVID-19, house tours are currently postponed.)

Four Mile House

Four Mile House

Denver's oldest standing structure was built by brothers Samuel and Jonas Brantner in 1859. They came to Colorado in search of gold, but ended up using the house for lodging for other travelers. They would sell the house in 1860 to a widow named Mary Cawker, who would run the house as a stagecoach stop with her two children until Cherry Creek flooded the area in 1864. Mary sold the house and the surrounding land to Levi and Millie Booth, who would live there with their children until well into the 1900s. They turned the area into a successful farm, where they raised bees, cows, and poultry.

The city of Denver purchased the house in the 1970s and restored it to its original 1800s look.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Image courtesy of All Digital Photo Denver
