Shepherdstown Historic District: 300 & 400 Block West High Street
Text-to-speech Audio
300-400 block on Historic District map

102 N Duke Street

106 N Duke Street

Miller Hall

300 W High Street

302 W High Street

304 W High Street

306 W High Street

308 W High Street

310 W High Street

312 W High Street

325 W High Street

327 W High Street

331 W High Street

Rose Hill Cemetery and possible Black cemtery

340 W High Street

Map of Shepherdstown Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Historic District contributing structures:
(65) 102 N Duke Street: “Two story log house covered with German siding. Early 20th century Colonial Revival finishes. 19th century.”
(66) 106 N Duke Street: “Brick bungalow. CA 1925. Brick outbuilding. 2 contributing buildings.”
(233) 432 W High Street: “Two story, two bay log house covered with aluminum siding. Gambrel roof added. Mid 19th century.”
(234) 430 W High Street: “Two bay, two story frame house covered with aluminum siding. CA 1890.”
(235) N side W High Street: “Two story German sided late Queen Anne style house. CA 1900.” (331 W High Street?)
(236) N side W High Street: “Aluminum sided frame house. CA 1920.” (327 W High Street?)
(237) N side W high Street at Maiden Lane: “Aluminum sided log house. Mid-late 19th century. Utility sheds. 1 contributing building.” (325 W High Street?)
(238) “Black Cemetery, Irish Cemetery, north of High Street. 19th and 20th century. 2 contributing sites.”
(239) “Brown’s Alley, ‘Old School for Blacks.’ Brick school house 1857. 1 contributing building. Modern stuccoed church and community building. 1 non-contributing building.”
(240) S side High Street at Brown’s Alley: “Modern weatherboarding over CA 1760 1-1/2 story, two bay log house.” (312 W High Street)
(241) 310 W High Street: “Two story gable front frame house covered with composition siding. CA 1920.”
(242) 308 W High Street: “Two story, three bay brick veneered log house.”
(243) 306 W High Street: “Two story hip roofed frame house covered with German siding. CA 1920. American Four-square style.
(244) N Shoe Alley: “‘Carriage House.’ German sided frame carriage house converted to offices and apartments.” (103 N Shoe Lane?)
(245) 304 W High Street: “One and a half story log house with recent weatherboarding. Late 18th century.”
(246) W High Street: “One story German sided log house with one story frame addition. Late 18th century.” (302 W High Street?)
(247) 302 W High Street: “One and a half story, three bay log house partially exposed. Early or original siding on north end wall.” (300 W High Street?)
(319) N Duke Street north of High Street: “‘Miller Hall.” Large Colonial Revival residence hall, Shepherd College 1912-1915.”
Cite This Entry
Thompson, Kathleen. "Shepherdstown Historic District: 300 & 400 Block West High Street." Clio: Your Guide to History. April 7, 2021. Accessed March 14, 2025.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 7, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
"331 High St W, Shepherdstown, WV 25443." Redfin. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.