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Madison Hall was build in 1966 as the Graduate Studies Building. The building was demolished in 2015 and a new Student Services Building now stands in that location.

View of Madison Hall

View of Madison Hall

View of Madison Hall

View of Madison Hall

View of Madison Hall

View of Madison Hall

Hot air balloons in front of Madison Hall

Hot air balloons in front of Madison Hall

In 1966, the Graduate Studies Building was completed, adding classrooms and a new larger space for the library (prior to the construction of the M. Salmon Library). Space in the building was reserved for "a faculty conference room, faculty offices, study areas, and a pair of galleries overlooking the lagoon."[1] The building assisted UAH's new MS degrees in mathematics, physics, and engineering, with many concentrations available.

The Graduate Studies Building was one of the few locations unaffected by parking issues that plagued campus in 1968. A committee was appointed that year address parking issues such as students parking in potentially dangerous areas. The committee considered adding parking in the drive of the Graduate Studies Building. It was also one location of the "free university"[2] organized by students in 1971, with the garden for the free gardening class being located behind the building.

The Graduate Studies Building was first recorded as "Madison Hall" in the 1973-1974 catalogs, being described as containing "executive administrative offices, graduate classrooms, the Departments of Mathematics and Education, and the administrative offices and classrooms of the Division of Continuous Education." As Madison Hall, the building continued to meet various needs on the UAH campus. In 1973 the building also swerved as a polling place. but ultimately was removed by the SGA Election Board. Citing negligence, approximately 800 students were unable to vote in the location where they took classes. This resulted in the removal of an official from the Election Board and the consequential resignation of another, because so many students had a polling place taken away from them.

Gattis, Paul. UAH planning to propose demolishing Madison Hall, constructing new administration building, October 10th 2013. Accessed July 18th 2022.

[1] The University of Alabama in Huntsville. "Graduate Studies Bldg. To Open for Fall Term." Univala (Huntsville) August 17th 1966. 1 ed, 4 sec.1.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville. "Remodeling Yet." Univala (Huntsville) February 23rd 1966. 1 ed, 1 sec.4.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville. "Committee Appoinled To Review Parking." Univala (Huntsville) February 20th 1968. 3 ed, 8 sec.2.

[2] The University of Alabama in Huntsville. "Students Create Free University with Free Courses." Exponent (Huntsville) August 4th 1971. 4 ed, 2 sec.2.

University of Alabama in Huntsville, "1973-1974 Catalog, vol. 7, no. 1" (1973). Course Catalogs. 29.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville. "SGA legislature removes Montgomery from Elections Board." Exponent (Huntsville) January 24th 1973. 6 ed, 4 sec.5.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Student Services Building, UAH - Events. Accessed July 18th 2022.

Varner, Dennis W.. "Crosswalk issues remain unresolved after meeting." Exponent (Huntsville) February 21st 1990. .3.

Varner, Dennis W.. "Physical Plant aware of parking problems at many buildings." Exponent (Huntsville) February 14th 1990. .3.