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This is a contributing entry for DHSS Herman Holloway Campus - Walking History Tour and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

Dating back to 1891, the “Spiral Cemetery” serves as the official resting place for individuals who passed away at the Delaware State Hospital/Delaware Psychiatric Center without claims from friends or family for burial elsewhere. Spanning from 1891 to 1983, 778 burials occurred, marked by small, numbered granite markers arranged in a spiral pattern, with #1 at the center.

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The Spiral Cemetery also functions as the DPC's Graveyard

The Spiral Cemetery

The Spiral Cemetery and Historical Marker

The Spiral Cemetery and Historical Marker

Historical Marker at DPC's Spiral Cemetery

Historical Marker at DPC's Spiral Cemetery

Records containing names, dates of death, and grave numbers for nearly everyone buried in the Spiral Cemetery are accessible. The Delaware State Archives in Dover holds the original documents, but information is also available on Notable among them is Civil War veteran Arnold Morris of the 25th U.S. Colored Infantry for the Union.

The site was maintained as a grassy area until the 1960s and a barrier of trees had been built around the area, obscuring the cemetery. Preservation efforts by the public included a rededication ceremony that was held in 2016, with a Delaware State Historical marker now adorning the site. It is interesting to note that the original cemetery was laid out in a spiral, a pattern that was maintained when relocated.

The New Castle County Potter’s Field, maintained by the DHSS Indigent Burial Program, is located off Baylor Boulevard and Markell Trail, and was expanded to next to the Spiral Cemetery. This Potter’s Field includes 1,344 graves, dating back to 1978 and individuals without funds for burial elsewhere continue to be interred here.

The Farnhurst Potter’s Field, also known as the “Cemetery in the Woods” is located off Baylor Boulevard and includes burials from 1884-1933 with at least 3,214 graves. It was originally located northwest of the current Main Administration building, where the Carpenter’s shop is located now. As the campus expanded, the hospital’s potter’s field relocated to where it currently resides. In total, there are over 5,000 graves located on campus.

For a deeper dive into Delaware State Hospital and history of the Spiral Cemetery and Potter’s Field, explore the book Remembering Farnhurst by Katherine Dettwyler or visit her website, The book is available for checkout from the DHSS Library.

Now, let’s pause the recording until we reach the Springer Building. The easiest way to reach the Springer Building is to walk toward and beside the large parking lot adjacent to the Spiral Cemetery. The parking lot is located at the front of the Springer Building.