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Completed in 1924 houses the department of the natural and physical sciences. Like Biology Chemistry, Geography, Geology and physics. Departments now currently include athletic training information, computer sciences, mathematics and some nursing. The new Earhart Laboratory addition was dedicated in 1997.

Home of Professor Findley.

Home of Professor Findley.

Outside of Findley-Wakefield Science Hall.

Outside of Findley-Wakefield Science Hall.

Findley- Wakefield Add on of Earhart Laboratory.

Findley- Wakefield Add on of Earhart Laboratory.

Dr. Findley

Dr. Findley

Learning in groups.

Learning in groups.

Lab Time.

Lab Time.

Inside the new Lab.

Inside the new Lab.


Park colleges science departments benefited from the increase in new building and facilities during Dr. Hawley's presidency. In 1919 Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield pledged 35,000 dollars for the construction of the science building.
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The Park Building Collection. Fishburn Archives and Special collections. Park University, Parkville, MO.