The Jewel of Lorain can be seen from anywhere along the water throughout Lorain and its beauty is known around the country. Although the structure is not in use now, it still serves as a shining light to Lorain’s bright history and a guide to future developments within the city. The lighthouse standing now was the fourth structure and was erected in 1917. The building was manned and maintained by the US Coast Guard and, in 1965 after the Coast Guard relinquished their duties, the building was set to be demolished. Lorain citizens rallied behind their beloved landmark and saved it from destruction. The lighthouse boasted walls that were 10 inches thick and made of concrete and steel to withstand lake weather, and its light projected for 15 miles. Since 1965, the building has been renovated and its life has been renewed. Today, it is owned by the Lorain Lighthouse Foundation and there are summer tours offered to anyone interested in viewing the inside of Lorain’s most beloved building.
