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Corning, Arkansas History Tour
Item 12 of 12
The Corning Bank & Trust Company building was built in 1920. It served the city of Corning for many years as a bank. The building is currently being used by the Agape Mission and the Current-Gaines Baptist Association. The exterior of the main building still contains the original features although the windows have been bricked in over the years.

Corning Bank & Trust Company in 2015

Corning Bank & Trust Company in 2015

Corning Bank & Trust Company in Early Corning

Corning Bank & Trust Company in Early Corning

The Corning Bank & Trust Company is located on 501 SW Second Street. The building was constructed in 1920. The need for a bank in Corning was voiced in The Clay County Courier in 1889. In 1894, W.D. Polk contracted Joe Walk to bring in sand and brick for the construction of a bank building. Work on this build was met with stagnation due to the fact the James White and D.A. Milam who were contracted to erect the building had embezzled the money given to them by W.D. Polk and fled on a train to Poplar Bluff, Mo. The next bank to be built was the one built in 1920. This bank was a set of three buildings on the northern section of this lot on the southwest corner of Vine and SW Second Street.

Argenweb – Arkansas Genealogical Resources Online “Clay County Narratives 1873 - 1899” Accessed October 25, 2019

Argenweb – Arkansas Genealogical Resources Online “Clay County Courier 1900 - 1931” Accessed October 25, 2019

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Drew Calhoun
