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Original Boundaries of Washington, DC
Item 3 of 10
This is a contributing entry for Original Boundaries of Washington, DC and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.
This boundary stone is unusual in its size, much larger than other boundary stones. Fred Woodward, who surveyed the stones in 1907, surmised that it was meant to be the west cornerstone, which is smaller than the other cornerstones. The lettering is extremely eroded. The Ruth Brewster Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution placed a plaque and fence at the stone in 1916. The plaque and fence went missing at some point, and the DAR undertook new restoration efforts in 2014 and 2015.

Southeast 3 boundary stone by Allen C. Browne on (reproduced under Fair Use)

Southeast 3 boundary stone by Allen C. Browne on (reproduced under Fair Use)

Browne, Allen C. Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Southeast 3, Historical Marker Database. October 13th 2019. Accessed July 19th 2020.

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