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Tiny Houses in the Capital District of New York State
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This is a contributing entry for Tiny Houses in the Capital District of New York State and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.
172 1/2 Washington Avenue is located near the Capitol Hill neighborhood in the city of Albany, NY. The Washington Avenue Historic Corridor, One of Albany's newest Historic District created in 2019, features many houses and buildings like 172 1/2. The brownstone rowhouse was built during the 19th century. Many of the buildings in the Washington Avenue Historic Corridor were built during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of the striking features of the building include the intricate moulding along the top and the ornate bay window above the entryway. Both Capitol Hill and the Empire State Plaza are a walking-distance away.

172 1/2 Washington Avenue

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170 Washington Avenue Page One

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172 Washington Avenue Page One

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172 Washington Avenue Page Two

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174 Washington Avenue Page One

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Facade, Door, Building, Stairs

172 ½ Washington Avenue is located in the Washington Avenue Corridor Historic District in the city of Albany, NY. The Washington Avenue Corridor is the most recently added Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places, as it was added to the register in November of 2019. The area features historic buildings from the 19th century, into the mid 20th century, and includes styles such as Italianate row houses, Mid-Century Modern, Greek revival, Art Deco, and Romanesque buildings. 172 ½ is situated in between two historic buildings; the two row houses demonstrate the Italianate style, amongst other Victorian details, following the remodeling of the buildings in the later half of the 19th century.

The construction of 172 Washington Avenue began in 1827 and was completed in 1833, while 174 Washington Avenue was constructed in 1827 initially, and was not completed until 1833. Then, later on in the 19th century, the house was remodeled during the period of 1874-1878. When 172 Washington Avenue was assessed by the Albany Historic Sites committee in 1985, the building had residential zoning. A third story was added to the building during the 1880’s. Some of the architectural styles demonstrated include the Late Federal and Queen Anne Styles. 174 Washington Avenue today has been renovated with a modern first floor storefront. Both 172 and 174 Washington Avenue were purchased by a John Q. Wilson, from a Henry Vandenburgh. The plots were initially empty at the time of purchase in 1827.

172 ½ Washington Avenue is a row house, nestled in between 170 and 172 Washington Avenue. The Washington Avenue Historic Corridor is made up of various 19th and 20th century row houses, mainly built with brick and brownstone. 172 ½ is decorated with a simplistic wooden cornice, reminiscent of the late federal style, which was heavily influenced by Dutch and Georgian characteristics. The combination of Dutch and Georgian architecture demonstrates the cultural mix of Dutch and English history of Albany, NY.

 DeMasi, Michael and De Socio, Mike. Albany Business Review: Albany Historic District Approved, Making More Than 260 Buildings Eligible for Tax Breaks. February 20th, 2020. corridor-historic-albany-tax-breaks.html

Sweet, L.C. Building-Structure Inventory Form. Division for Historic Preservation New York State Parks and Recreation. 170 Washington Avenue. 1985. CRIS Entry 00140.002946

Sweet, L.C. Building-Structure Inventory Form. Division for Historic Preservation New York State Parks and Recreation. 172 Washington Avenue. 1985. CRIS Entry 00140.002947

Sweet, L.C. Building-Structure Inventory Form. Division for Historic Preservation New York State Parks and Recreation. 174 Washington Avenue. 1985. CRIS Entry 00140.002948

Image Sources(Click to expand),+Albany,+NY+12210/@42.6559275,-73.7618408,3a,75y,223.58h,89.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgEj84hJ1ey1VicXvGnZ9ng!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89de0a30793c84d1:0xdf34fa897e104f8b!8m2!3d42.6558003!4d-73.7620464
