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Morgan Log House Walking Tour
Item 7 of 10
This is a contributing entry for Morgan Log House Walking Tour and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.
A frame duck house was located west of the Morgan Log House dwelling. The structure was used by the Forsythe family to house their ducks that were raised for market. It is unknown the age of the structure, but it was likely demolished during the 1970s restoration of the dwelling.

A sketch of the Duck House by "Sis" Forsythe Robinson, circa 1935.

Handwriting, Azure, Rectangle, Slope

A framed duck house was located west of the Morgan Log House dwelling, along the southern fence line of the property. It was a raised, narrow, framed structure with a gabled roof, a pedestrian door, and duck access. The structure was used by the Forsythe family to house their ducks that were raised for market in nearby markets in Lansdale, between 1933 and 1936. It is unknown the age of the structure, but it was likely demolished during the 1970s restoration of the dwelling. A sketch of the structure was drawn by "Sis" Forsythe Robinson as part of her oral history.

Draft Agricultural History of the Morgan Log House (2019). Morgan Log House files.

Draft Architectural History of the Morgan Log House (2019). Morgan Log House files.

The History of the Property and House. Morgan Log House.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

"Sis" Forsythe Robinson. Morgan Log House files.
