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Grand Museum Tour of Dover
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The Air Mobility Command Museum, located at the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, has a special slogan, “Where Do Airplanes Go”, the lucky ones go to this museum. The museum is dedicated to airlift and air refueling history of the American wars. With over 9 exhibits and 25 or more planes, this museum would be a very good place to learn about how the military uses the air in all of our wars and the different types of planes that is used for what reason.

The Air Mobility Command Museum

The Air Mobility Command Museum

Aerial View

Aerial View

The museum can be fun for people of all ages, at the age of 10- and up you can fly any plane and see the functions that is used to succeed the job in the state of the arc flight simulator. All the exhibits offer a hand on approach, they let you touch and set in the planes, and take pictures for a lifetime memory. It covers a broad are of topics from, the Dover hanger, the Korean War, to Medal of Honor recipients.  

This museum was first known as hanger 1301, because during World War 2 top-secret aircrafts was built there. In 1990 after remolding and registering with the National Register of Historic Places, It was turned into, as we know today as the Air Mobility Command Museum. It is a National museum for the Air force, because air mobility is a big command of that branch of the military.

This Museum can be found and toured in Dover Delaware Air Force Base. I offers guided and self-guided tours; also, it has special events to recognize the veterans to show are appreciation that for their hard work and dedication we have the rights and freedom in America today.  Air lift shows can be seen and offered on school tours for a first hand experience from the flight tower.