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Scott City Historic Walking Tour
Item 15 of 22
Stop #15 on the Scott City Historic Walking Tour: The Hotel Northern-Also known as the Northern and the Grand Northern Hotel sat at the corner of 101 Main Street, the site of Wheatland Electric today. Built in 1886, it was a grand two story frame building with a stable to the south of it.

Motorcyles in front of the Hotel Northern

Tire, Wheel, Vehicle, Motor vehicle

Hotel Northern

Wheel, Black, Tire, Vehicle

Court house records show the lots for the Hotel Northern were owned by Ida Eastman in 1886. Ida is the daughter of town founder, Maria DeGeer. It is assumed Ida had the hotel built. Other records show J.E. Van Voorhis purchased it in 1887 and it again resold to Fredrick Strickert in 1902.

History is often times illusive as is true with this hotel. One account says it burned in 1912 and another said it burned between 1914-1915. Either way, it met the same fate as the Grand Central Hotel on the 700 block of Main Street; FIRE, the great menace of the prairie towns.

The north end of the block where the hotel sat shows a succession of 13 owners until Wheatland Electric purchased it in 1955.

Lawrence, Deb. Hotel Northern, Scott City History - Now & Then. April 25th 2019. Accessed May 10th 2021.

Scott County Historical Society. History of Early Scott County. Edition 1. Volume 1. Scott City, Kansas. Scott County Historical Society, 1977.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Scott County Historical Society

Scott County Historical Society
