Quay Hall
Text-to-speech Audio
Originally widely called "North Hall", ENMU’s Quay Hall was constructed as a women's dormitory as a New Deal project in 1935-6. The Public Works Administration (PWA) provided a loan and a grant to cover most of the cost of the project, amounting in $34,000 and $15,000, respectively. The total cost of the project amounted to $53,652.
Quay Hall
Quay Hall
![close-up of building through trees](https://storage.googleapis.com/clio-images/medium_4009_E59_B933_Q2_Picture1.jpg)
Quay Hall
![Photo of Quay Hall](https://storage.googleapis.com/clio-images/medium_6673_Quay%20Hall%20circa%202018%2C%20Evan%20Kalish.jpg)
Quay Hall 1957-1958
![Photo of Quay Hall. A couple walking down the sidewalk holding hands.](https://storage.googleapis.com/clio-images/medium_1925_QuayHall1957-58.jpg)
Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Eastern New Mexico University's Quay Hall was constructed in 1935-36. It was originally intended to operate as a women's dormitory. Financed through the Works Progress Administration with federal loans and grants, the cost was close to $48,000.[1] Floyd Golden stated that the dorm was "designed to house sixty girls, two to a room, with a bathroom between each two rooms." [3]
In September of 1935, Portales Daily News reported that contracts had been let for a $40,000 dormitory in order to take care of the lack of housing available for students. By October 10th, the Board of Regents had been in session all day preparing to contract O.R. Walker as the architect for the dorm.[4] Construction had begun on the building by the 21st of October.[5] The Portales Daily News reported in January of 1936 that the construction would be completed in 90 days, and that there were 16 men working on the construction. There were 36 rooms in the building, including two lounge rooms, two recreation rooms, and a sun-room.[6] By March of the same year, the roofing was nearly finished.[7] Construction was finished and furniture for the building was ordered by August.[8] The Portales Daily News reported October 1st that the dedication ceremony of the new girls' dorm and the administration building would be featured as a part of the Roosevelt County Fair.[9]
Quay hall is currently being used for office spaces. Heating and cooling efficiency was put in place via the replacement of the original windows, and the interior has been renovated so that the building can act as an office space. However, the exterior of the building has not been changed (Pearson 12).[1]
- Pearson, James. "ENMU New Deal." 2008.
- Quay Hall, Living New Deal. Accessed June 16, 2022. https://livingnewdeal.org/projects/quay-hall-enmu-portales-nm/.
- Golden, Floyd. Whisenhunt , Donald W. . The Golden Years: 1928-1960. Eastern New Mexico University, 1975.
- "Work on Girls' Dormitory Will Begin October 21st," Portales Daily News. 10 October 1935.
- "Work Starts on Dormitory Today," Portales Daily News. 21 October 1935.
- "Girls' Dormitory Will Be Finished in 90 Days," Portales Daily News. 8 January 1936.
- "Building Activity Indicates Sound Growth of City," Portales Daily News. 2 March 1936.
- "Take Possession Girls Dormitory Junior College," Portales Daily News. 19 August 1936.
- "Program for Dedication of College Buildings Is Set for Saturday," Portales Daily News, 1 October 1936.
Eastern New Mexico Special Collections
Eastern New Mexico Special Collections
Living New Deal
Eastern New Mexico University Special Collections