The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre
The Chinese Cultural Centre is a building in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is located on the north-eastern side of downtown and was completed in September 1992.
“四面雲山王摩詰畫 三春花鳥杜工部詩”大家眼前所見的是一對是草書對聯, 為馮國材先生提筆, 由Ms. Helen Kong捐贈予我們的博物館 。Paintings of mountains surrounding by clouds and fog like the painting of Jiemo Wang, poetry about spring, birds, flowers like Fu Du’s poetryWhat you see is a pair of couplets in cursive script, written for Mr. Feng Guocai, donated to our museum by Ms. Helen Kong.
“四面雲山王摩詰畫 三春花鳥杜工部詩”大家眼前所見的是一對是草書對聯, 為馮國材先生提筆, 由Ms. Helen Kong捐贈予我們的博物館 。Paintings of mountains surrounding by clouds and fog like the painting of Jiemo Wang, poetry about spring, birds, flowers like Fu Du’s poetryWhat you see is a pair of couplets in cursive script, written for Mr. Feng Guocai, donated to our museum by Ms. Helen Kong.
“千載卡城建基業 百年華埠歷滄桑”由 村上標先生作聯; 黃日星先生提筆It took many years to build the city of Calgary, and Chinatown has also survived a difficult and suffering era.Coupling by Mr. Murakami; writing by Mr. Huang Rixing
“千載卡城建基業 百年華埠歷滄桑”由 村上標先生作聯; 黃日星先生提筆It took many years to build the city of Calgary, and Chinatown has also survived a difficult and suffering era.Coupling by Mr. Murakami; writing by Mr. Huang Rixing
石獅子是在中國文化中經常使用的一種裝飾物。通常擺放在建築物大門口兩側。很多受中國文化影響地區的宮殿、寺廟、園林、政府機關大樓等地都可見到。因為石獅作用為鎮守化煞視為瑞獸,意在保護大廈。Stone lions are a kind of ornament often used in Chinese culture. It is usually placed on both sides of the gate of the building. It can be seen in palaces, temples, gardens, government office buildings and other places influenced by Chinese culture. Because the role of stone lions is to guard and deter evil spirits, they are regarded as auspicious beasts and are intended to protect the building.
石獅子是在中國文化中經常使用的一種裝飾物。通常擺放在建築物大門口兩側。很多受中國文化影響地區的宮殿、寺廟、園林、政府機關大樓等地都可見到。因為石獅作用為鎮守化煞視為瑞獸,意在保護大廈。Stone lions are a kind of ornament often used in Chinese culture. It is usually placed on both sides of the gate of the building. It can be seen in palaces, temples, gardens, government office buildings and other places influenced by Chinese culture. Because the role of stone lions is to guard and deter evil spirits, they are regarded as auspicious beasts and are intended to protect the building.
A piece of powerful and useful equipment to measure earthquake waves.
The sedan is a mode of transport that was used in ancient China. For weddings, a bridal sedan is used to take the bride to the groom's house.
The bronze weapons the terra cotta army carried into the enormous tomb complex near Xi'an in western China were the real things: tens of thousands of swords, axes, spears, lances, and crossbows.
The terracotta warriors were not terracotta but colorful when they were originally made. They generally had black hair, pink faces, purple or red gowns, black armor, light green pants, and black shoes.
Paintings of mountains surrounding by clouds and fog like the painting of Jiemo Wang, poetry about spring, birds, flowers like Fu Du’s poetryWhat you see is a pair of couplets in cursive script, written for Mr. Feng Guocai, donated to our museum by Ms. Helen Kong.
It took many years to build the city of Calgary, and Chinatown has also survived a difficult and suffering era.
This Terracotta Army was buried with the first emperor for a similar reason of protecting him in his afterlife.
In 1974, the terracotta army was unexpectedly discovered outside of Xi'an, China. The extensive tomb complex unearthed thousands of infantry soldiers, including archers and armed warriors. All soldiers were originally equipped with weapons, led by bronze chariots drawn by terracotta horses.
In 1974, the terracotta army was unexpectedly discovered outside of Xi'an, China. The extensive tomb complex unearthed thousands of infantry soldiers, including archers, and armed warriors. All soldiers were originally equipped with weapons, led by bronze chariots drawn by terracotta horses.
Shanxi province Xi'an Terracotta Warrior - The Terracotta Army is a massive collection of terracotta sculptures made of mud depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China.
Stone lions are a kind of ornament often used in Chinese culture. It is usually placed on both sides of the gate of the building. It can be seen in palaces, temples, gardens, government office buildings and other places influenced by Chinese culture. Because the role of stone lions is to guard and deter evil spirits, they are regarded as auspicious beasts and are intended to protect the building.
Welcome to the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre's Museum!
Huge logs as the main structure to support the weight of the roof.
Huge logs as the main structure to support the weight of the roof.
Beautiful dragons and phoenixes are carved on the ceiling
Appreciate our unique design of the ceiling
The ceiling is supported by joints
This building was built on two separately donated pieces of land. Hence, we needed approval from the government to connect these lands. We were granted permission by the government of the city of Calgary to connect these lands. We were granted permission by the government of the City of Calgary to connect the two lands by using part of 2nd Avenue. The style of this building was modeled after Beijing's Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven was the hall of prayer for the Emperor. A few hundred years ago the Emperor came to the Temple to pray for a good harvest, weather, and prosperity in the country.
Welcome to Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre!
The hall of the Calgary Cultural Centre is a imitation of the Heaven Temple in Beijing, China - a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design which simply and graphically illustrates a cosmogony of great importance for the evolution of one of the world's great civilizations