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Historic Churches of Downtown Evansville
Item 10 of 11
This is a contributing entry for Historic Churches of Downtown Evansville and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

The school was built in 1866 before the Catholic Church. It was the temporary chapel before the church was complete. It then became a boys’ school when a new school was built in 1871 and had completely closed its doors in 1970. Several students had been regularly attending the school during this time.

The image shows the old St. Mary's Catholic School for boys. This photograph was taken on November 11, 2009.

Cloud, Sky, Window, Building

This image displays the old St. Mary's Catholic School for girls. The image was taken on November 21, 2023.

Building, Window, Sky, Plant

The photo shows what part of the town looked like during the 1937 flood. This picture was taken in 1937.

Water, Boat, Black, Black-and-white

In 1866, a two-story catholic school was built. This school was built for children in the area but after the church population grew, they felt the need to build another church. It was stated that this served as the temporary church until the actual church was built in 1867.     

In 1871, the church decided to build another brick building on their property. This would be a three-story building that would be the school building for their female students. It would also be where the sisters would stay. They kept the male students in the older building. By 1880, they had approximately 400 students attending their school.  

Many changes took place over the years as well as remodeling due to fire, flood, and outdated buildings. The flood occurred in 1937 throughout Evansville, Indiana. Some of the changes were adding stained glass windows, adding a pastoral residence, and the sanctuary was made larger. These changes only added to the beauty of the church. 

Enrollment started to decline due to families wanting their children to attend public schools for the activities and opportunities. Since enrollment was down, they decided to close the doors in 1973. Since the closure, the building has been remodeled to house offices, library, and a food pantry. The building is now called the Ministry Center.  

Humphrey, David. 2011. “St. Mary’s served Catholic students | MAD Life |” Herald Bulletin.


“Interior of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Evansville, Indiana.” n.d. Rice Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 9, 2023.


“St. Mary Catholic School.” n.d. Historic Evansville. Accessed November 9, 2023.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Historic Evansville

Rylan Nyberg

Evansville Living