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Pioneer Monuments in Oklahoma
Item 10 of 15

Bronze monument portraying an Oklahoma settler on horseback rushing to stake his land claim as part of the 1889 land run that opened the Cherokee Strip to white settlement. It is one of a series of monuments commemorating the settlement of the Cherokee Strip by sculptor Harold T. Holden.


Bronze statue of a man on a galloping horse

Erected shortly before the centennial of the 1893 land run that opened this portion of Oklahoma to homesteading, Boomer depicts the Cherokee Strip land run as an explicitly masculine event. In contrast to Leonard McMurry’s 1959 Oklahoma City land run monument, which at a time of nationwide pioneer family commemoration presented land runs as an intergenerational project of laying down roots in the Oklahoma soil, Enid's 1987 Boomer depicts a solo man on horseback racing to stake his claim. The dramatic scene emphasizes the land runs as exciting adventures. A related monument in Enid's Government Springs Park depicts a boomer camped for the night on his claim.

Sculpted by Harold T. "H" Holden, who grew up in Enid. It is the first in a series of monuments that "H" was commissioned to sculpt to depict the history of the Cherokee Strip in Oklahoma and Kansas. Holden attended Oklahoma State University and the Texas Academy of Art in Houston. He was elected into membership in the Cowboy Artists of America in 2012.

Boomer became a popular image and the official symbol of the Cherokee Strip in Oklahoma and Kansas. “H” adapted it to produce a commemorative US postage for the Cherokee Strip in 1993.

Harold T. Holden--Western Artist. Accessed February 9th, 2024.

Harold T. Holden, Cowboy Artists of America. Accessed February 9th, 2024.

Prescott, Cynthia Culver. Pioneer Mother Monuments: Constructing Cultural Memory. Norman, Oklahoma. University of Oklahoma Press, 2019.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Photo by Cynthia C. Prescott