First Baptist Church of Council Grove
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Established in 1870, the First Baptist Church built its first permanent church building in 1884 only to have it destroyed by a flood in 1903. After six years of fundraising and construction delays, the congregation finally met in the new, now-historic building in 1909. The structure enjoys a mix of Gothic Revival and Romanesque styles, part of a early-twentieth-century trend known as eclecticism. The church community used the facility until 1993 when it transitioned into a community center until 2020.
Historic First Baptist Church in Council Grove, from Google Maps.

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
The First Baptist Church has served the Council Grove community since 1870. The historic church building, constructed between 1909 and 1913, is an example of twentieth-century eclecticism, which often led churches to enjoy a mixture of traditional architectural styles. The First Baptist consists of a mix of Romanesque and Gothic Revival attributes. The congregation met in the historic church from 1909 to 1993 before moving to a new location.
The First Baptist Church, established in 1870 and then again in 1873 after a period of dormancy, built its first church building in 1884. A flood in 1903 destroyed the building, forcing the community to purchase a new property. Although construction started in 1905, significant delays kept the cornerstone from being laid until 1909. By 1910 (seven years after the flood destroyed the first building), work progressed enough to allow the congregation to meet in the east lecture room on the main floor of the newly-constructed church building; construction finished in 1913.
The Romanesque Revival style, characterized by massive articulated wall structures, round arches, and grand vaults, consists of classic Roman and Byzantine elements from the early eleventh century. The style (mainly in church designs) grew popular in the U.S. during the second half of the nineteenth century. Meanwhile, Gothic styles have roots in the Middle Ages, but its revival occurred during the nineteenth century in England before spreading to the U.S. The Gothic Revival style is characterized by a steeply pitched roof, wall surface extending into gable without a break, and windows that stretch to the ceilings. In ecclesiastical interpretations, such as the First Baptist Church, gable roofs are typical, as are entryway arches, string courses, and towers.
The First Baptist Church used the historic building continuously until August 1993, when they moved into a new facility. The Council Grove Community Center took ownership of the building in 1994. It has most recently served as the Bowers Community Center and, as of 2021, the home to the Kansas Farm Management Association. After vacating the old church, the First Baptist congregation removed the stained glass windows from the main floor of the building and incorporated them into their new building. Also, they removed the 1909 cornerstone and relocated it to the new building; otherwise, the building remains largely intact.
Cite This Entry
Powers, Mathew. "First Baptist Church of Council Grove." Clio: Your Guide to History. July 20, 2021. Accessed March 24, 2025.
Risdal, Michele and Martha Hagedorn-Krass. "Nomination Form: First Baptist Church." National Register of Historic Places. 1995.
"History." First Baptist Church. Accessed July 20, 2021.
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