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Palmer Hall houses administrative offices, such as the Admissions Offices, the Registrar's Office, and the Financial Aid Office. Palmer Auditorium is used for Orientation events, Founders Day, commencement ceremonies, and - perhaps most notably- the annual College Night performances.

Construction Framework of Palmer Hall

Construction Framework of Palmer Hall

Naming of Palmer Hall

Naming of Palmer Hall

University President Thomas Palmer, for whom the building is named.

University President Thomas Palmer, for whom the building is named.
Named after third UM President Thomas Waverly Palmer, the building was constructed in 1929 and was dedicated "on the weekend of April 26-28, 1930" (Griffith). Palmer Hall was originally built to serve as the campus chapel, while also serving to house all of the administrative offices. However, in the 1970s, the building was in need of major repair. The auditorium was completely renovated, and on May 30, 1980, the building was rededicated.

One of its most impressive features is its Holtkamp organ, located on the wall of Palmer Auditorium. It is played during commencement ceremonies and other prestigious campus events. The auditorium is also the home of the College Night performances, as well as various presentations and awards events on campus. The front steps of Palmer are used as meeting places for various College Night events like the Ribbon Hanging, as well as for Greek life events such as Sorority Bid Day. 
Bawden, John. “Palmer Hall.” Omeka RSS, Omeka,

Griffith, Lucille Ph.D. “Thomas Waverly Palmer Hall.” White Columns & Red Brick: The University of Montevallo Buildings, University of Montevallo, 1985, p. 21.