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Downtown Kingwood Historic District Walking Tour
Item 6 of 12
The Old Hospital Building located at 103 West Court Street was built in 1905. This building, which is in use today as law offices, was the first hospital in Kingwood.

Front view from Court Street (view from north to south)

Front view from Court Street (view from north to south)

View of main entrance from Court Street includes plaque with street address (view from northeast to southwest)

View of main entrance from Court Street includes plaque with street address (view from northeast to southwest)

Plaque showing the date of construction is located on front of building facing Court Street (view from northwest to southeast)

Plaque showing the date of construction is located on front of building facing Court Street (view from northwest to southeast)
The hospital's doctor was Emory Strickler. Strickler Drugstore was once located nearby at the corner of Court and Price Streets. The doctor's office was on the second floor of this building, and he had an overhead walkway from his office to the hospital behind.
Ward, Bryan. Kingwood Preservation Plan. Kingwood, WV. West Virginia University, 1997. This book was produced by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology at West Virginia University for Main Street Kingwood. Printed in the United States of America Copyright 1997 Main Street Kingwood. All rights reserved. Cover illustration by Paul Boxley and cover photograph courtesy of W.G. (Bill) Williams. Main Street Kingwood, 101 East Main St., P.O. Box 357, Kingwood, WV 26537
