Guadalupe Shrine
Text-to-speech Audio
En Español tambien. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico. The story begins in the early morning of December 9th, 1531 just ten years after Hernan Cortez conquered the city of Tenochtitlan, when a 57 year old Indian peasant named Juan Diego was walking along the path of Tepeyac Hill on the outskirts of what is today Mexico City. He encountered a brown skin Madonna and proclaimed to the local bishop that he had seen the Mother of God. Juan Diego was able to convince the bishop way presenting roses and a clock with the Virgin’s image. The Virgin was as adopted by many Mexicans as their patron saint.

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Spanish language masses were held in the building as early as 1914 when its church served a predominantly Irish immigrant population. Having
masses held in Spanish was very important to the new Mexican immigrants. Subsequent generations of new immigrant
find comfort in celebrating the mass in a language they understand while they
are in the process of learning English. The Kansas City “west side” parish was dedicated to the
Virgin of Guadalupe in 1922 and serves as the Mexican immigrant community’s
parish until the Archdiocese closed the church and move the congregation to the
Sacred Heart Church which is located at 2601 Madison Ave, Kansas City, MO (816) 842-6146) a few blocks south of the
shrine. Mariachi Mass is held at
Sacred Heart each Sunday morning. The Guadalupanas, a group of women and some men, maintain the shrine and hold
special services in the building.
Spanish Translation/ Traducción en Español
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la patrona santa de México. La historia comienza en la mañana de diciembre 9, 1531 diez años después que Hernán Cortez conquisto la ciudad de Tenochtitlan, cuando un anciano indio llamado Juan Diego, estaba caminando en la ruta de de la cuesta de Tepeyac en las afueras en lo que hoy se llama la ciudad de México. El se encontró a una madona de piel marrón y le proclamó al sacerdote que había visto la madre de dios. Juan diego fue capaz de convencer al sacerdote presentado con rosas y un reloj con la imagen de la virgen. La virgen fue adoptado por muchos Mexicanos como su santa patrona.
Masas en espanol se llevó a cabo a tempranas de 1914 cuando la iglesia le hacía servicio a una población irlandesa inmigrante. La parroquia del área oeste de Kansas City fue dedicado a la virgen de guadalupe en 1922 y es conocida como la parroquia de la comunidad Mexicana Americana hasta que que el archidiócesis cerro la iglesia y movió la congregación al Sagrado Corazón.
Cite This Entry
William García Medina on behalf of Humanities Kansas and Humanities Kansas. "Guadalupe Shrine." Clio: Your Guide to History. September 26, 2018. Accessed March 15, 2025.