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Sturgeon Bay Sidewalk Stones Tour
Item 10 of 20
This is a contributing entry for Sturgeon Bay Sidewalk Stones Tour and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.
908 Rhode Island This home was built by Joseph Stroh in about 1910 at the corner of Rhode Island and S. 9th(formerly Fourth and C Streets). Mr. Stroh was a longtime building contractor and merchant who also built the Stroh Block at 45 S. 3rd Ave (formerly Cedar St) which still stands with his name on top. Other owners of the home included Sylvan Baudhuin who sold it to Gordon and Grace Weber in 1952. It is still owned by Weber family members.

This site is part of the Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin sidewalk stones project of Ginny Haen, Assistant Curator, Door County Historical Museum.1
1. Door County Historical Museum. . .