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Roger Luther's Favorite Entries

Perry Building

This highly ornate four-story cast-iron building is one of Binghamton's most unique and distinctive structures. Designed in 1876 by Isaac Perry, the first two floors served as a department store and Perry's architectural firm occupied the third floor. The fourth floor was home to Perry and wife Lucretia until his death in 1904.

Broome County Courthouse

Designed by Isaac Gale Perry and built in 1897, the Broome County Courthouse stands in Binghamton's Courthouse Square. It is the fifth County Courthouse to be built, and the third at this location.

Carnegie Library, Binghamton

Built in 1903 with funds donated by Andrew Carnegie. The building was designed by Sanford and H.A. Lacey under the supervision of Isaac Gale Perry. The building closed in 2000 was vacant for many years until it became home to the SUNY Broome School of Culinary Arts.

Stone Opera House

The Richardsonian Romanesque-style Stone Opera House was built in 1892. Designed by architects Sanford Lacy and E.H. Bartoo, it was promoted as the most lavish theatrical facility between New York City and Buffalo. Sarah Bernhardt, Ethel and John Barrymore and many others performed on its stage. Since closing in 1978, the vacant theater has experienced neglect and significant deterioration.

Binghamton City Hall

Built in 1897, Binghamton City Hall was designed by New York City architect Raymond Francis Almirall. Built in the distinctive “Ecole des Beaux Arts,” or “Hotel de Ville” style, the building stands as a landmark in Binghamton's Courthouse Square.

Greyhound Terminal, Binghamton NY

Built in 1938, the Binghamton Greyhound Bus terminal has been in continuous operation since that time. The architectural style of the building is known as Streamline Moderne, a form of Art Deco design evident in many Greyhound bus terminals built between 1937 and the mid 1940’s.

Press Building

The Binghamton Press building was built in 1904. Originally called the “Kilmer Building,” it was to be the home of the Binghamton Press, a newspaper founded by local businessman Willis Sharp Kilmer. The building was designed by T.I. Lacy and Sons.

Hull-Grummond Building

Currently known as the Lost Dog Café, the Hull-Grummond Building was built in 1886, expanded in 1906, and was home to one of the leading cigar producers in the country.

Security Mutual Life Insurance Building

The Security Mutual Building was built in 1904. Designed by Truman I. Lacey and Son, the 10-story building is an elaborate expression of Beaux-Arts Classical architecture.

The People's Theatre, Binghamton

Built in 1913 of reinforced concrete and known as the Willey Block this 400-seat theater was promoted as an “absolutely fireproof photoplay house” and “one of the most modern structures of its character in the country.”